Apr 17, 1936 - Jan 21, 2023April 17, 1936 - January 21, 2023
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Hartford, Ohio
Spending alone time with his grandson, Lawrence.
Clam Chowder
Harry James
Gary’s very, very close friend, Patrick, passed away 2 years prior.
We wish he was. Lawrence misses him very much.
Lawrence, his beloved grandson.
Born in 1936, Gary Johnson was born into a family of 7, including his parents and 5 siblings. Within the next few years, everyone in his family would sadly and tragically pass away, leaving Gary alone. He joined the Navy at age 18, and at age 23, he married his wife, Margaret Johnson (neé White). In his later years, he would become a father of 2 and a grandfather of 7. Gary passed away on January 21, 2023.
We'll plant real trees for you in Gary's memory and display your contribution forever.
All condolences, notes and wishes in this book of memories.
Gary timeline of pictures, videos, audio and stories.
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Hartford, Ohio