Francis Joseph Burns

25 nov 1975 - 1 oct 202425 de noviembre de 1975 - 1 de octubre de 2024

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Francis Joseph Burns

25 nov 1975 - 1 oct 202425 de noviembre de 1975 - 1 de octubre de 2024

Place of birth

Long Beach, CA

Most recently lived in

Long Beach, CA

Francis's favorite hobbies

Table top gaming, role playing games, reading, video games, creating models and terrain, paintball, laser tag, writing, drawing, tutoring, watching movies anime & Manga, and camping.

Francis's favorite foods

Pizza, burgers, steak, banana cream pie and his Mom's apple pie.

High School attended

St. John Bosco High School

Francis's profession(s)

Francis graduated with a Bachelors in Screen Writing and Creative Writing from Chapman University in 2004. He played football at Cerritos College, El Camino College and Chapman University. He was a Production Designer, Art Director, Film Producer, Director and Author of short stories, novellas and comic books.

Francis's pets in life

Cats: Mieces, Pepper, Vincent, Cleo, Salem amd Mavis. Dogs: Sarge, Major, Rusty and Patches.

Favorite place in the world

Anywhere his friends and family were.

Favorite sports

Football, favorite team were the Raiders.

Favorite movies

Action and Horror movies.

Francis's parents

Mom Stephanie, father Tom and step father Fred.

Francis's siblings

Kira, Shawn, Christopher, Heidi.

Places Francis traveled to

Hawaii, Washington DC, Mississippi, Mexico, San Francisco, Yosemite and Carlsbad.

Francis's superpower

Networking and connecting with others. He made friends everywhere he went. He loved helping others.


Francis Joseph Burns, known affectionately as Joe, Beau, Wookie, and The Hairy Beast, passed away on October 1, 2024, at the age of 48. Born on November 25, 1975, in Long Beach, CA, he spent his life in the same city, where he created countless memories surrounded by family and friends.

A graduate of Chapman University with a Bachelor's degree in Screenwriting and Creative Writing, Joe was a talented Production Designer, Art Director, Film Producer, Director, and Author. His passion for storytelling extended to his love for tabletop and role-playing games, reading, writing, and creating models and terrain. He had a knack for making connections and was known for his superpower of networking, easily making friends wherever he went.

Joe was a devoted family man, deeply cherished by his mother, Stephanie, father Tom, stepfather Fred, and siblings Kira, Shawn, Christopher, and Heidi. He shared his life with his partner, Benilynne De La Cruz, and was a loving pet owner to several cats and dogs, including Mieces, Pepper, Vincent, Cleo, Salem, Mavis, Sarge, Major, Rusty, and Patches.

An avid football fan, Joe played at Cerritos College, El Camino College, and Chapman University, proudly supporting the Raiders as his favorite team. His love for movies, especially action and horror, was matched only by his appreciation for good food, including pizza, burgers, steak, and his mother's famous apple pie.

Joe’s adventurous spirit took him to beautiful places including Hawaii, Washington DC, Mississippi, Mexico, San Francisco, Yosemite, and Carlsbad. He had a strong connection with God and found solace in his spiritual community. His favorite motto echoed a belief in resilience and redemption: "Pain heals. Chicks dig scars. Glory... lasts forever."

Joe’s impact on the lives of those around him was profound; he was always willing to lend a helping hand to family, friends, or strangers in need. He is survived by his beloved pets and a community that will miss his warmth, kindness, and zest for life.

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Nació el November 25, 1975

Long Beach, CA

Falleció el October 1, 2024

Long Beach, CA

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