Elsie May Laustrup

Sep 20, 1942 - Feb 11, 2021September 20, 1942 - February 11, 2021

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Elsie May Laustrup

Sep 20, 1942 - Feb 11, 2021September 20, 1942 - February 11, 2021

Place of birth


Most recently lived in

Plains montana

Elsie's favorite hobbies

Play n her games on her tablet

Elsie's favorite foods

Steak rare tge bloodied tge better flop on flip flop off

If you could tell Elsie anything today, what would you say?

I miss u so much I'm sorry I was not here more mom I was care n for kyra. I wish we would have worked out,what kinked our relationship I am just broken over time and I don't no what I'm going to do....

Elsie's superpower

She was my mom that's my super hero she could fix anything I miss her so much life will never b the same

Favorite place in the world

This house is my favorite place in tge world I have no idea why it us try n to v taken from me

Elsie's superpower

She was able to skip out before she gave me tge answers and no I have to wonder tge rest if my life it's just not fair

If you could tell Elsie anything today, what would you say?

Mom please send me a sign u did not hate me make it big enough fir me to see I'm list without you but crushed how thibgs are going please do this fir me so I won't gave to suffer with it tgd rest of my life ain't I worth it to you I really need to now ...

Favorite TV shows


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Elsie's Photos

Elsie timeline of pictures, videos, audio and stories.

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Born on September 20, 1942


Passed away on February 11, 2021

Plains montana

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Elsie May Laustrup's memorial is managed by Aluce Uribe.

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