Elisha N Hatler

29 ago 199629 de agosto de 1996

Photo of Elisha

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Elisha N Hatler

29 ago 199629 de agosto de 1996

Elisha loved nothing more than

Making the people she loved smile.

One thing people will never forget about Elisha

Would be her passion for her career and her willingness to help others.

Elisha's favorite hobbies

Roller skating, artwork, spending time with family, and listening to the same 2 fonts on repeat to make her kids happy.

Elisha had both a Son and a daughter

Both of young age, whom she loved to no end.

Elisha had many siblings who will love and miss her; as well as parents and step parents that cared for her greatly.

All who wished to remain anonymous.

If you could tell Elisha anything today, what would you say?


Elisha was a young, service driven and intelligent woman who was ahead of her time. She was a caring and delicate person that unapologetically loved to make people smile and feel cared for. Elisha didn’t hesitate to help when she noticed the opportunity to do so. For that; she will be greatly missed.

A public memorial will be held Nov. 5th, 2022

Please contact her mother for details

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Libro de visitas de Elisha

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Fotos de Elisha

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Nació el August 29, 1996

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