Edwin Clark Inglish Jr.

Nov 20, 1944 - Mar 01, 2023

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Edwin Clark Inglish Jr.

Nov 20, 1944 - Mar 01, 2023

Place of birth

Dallas, Texas


The University of Texas at Austin and SMU Dedman School of Law


JD, MBA, and CPA

Military service

Served in the US Army in Vietnam and was awarded the Army Commendation Medal


Practiced law and accounting at Arthur Anderson and Laventhol & Horwath


Golf and chess


Predeceased by parents and sister Betsy Ann Inglish, survived by sister Jane Inglish Raine and nieces and nephews

Memorial contributions

SPCA of Texas, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, or charity of choice

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Born on November 20, 1944

Dallas, Texas

Passed away on March 01, 2023

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