Douglas Dean Danner

Apr 16, 1961 - May 03, 2024

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Douglas Dean Danner

Apr 16, 1961 - May 03, 2024

Place of birth

Orlando, FL

Most recently lived in

Jacksonville, FL

Douglas's favorite hobbies

He loved playing music on his guitar and coming up with silly songs that made everyone laugh. Music meant everything to him.

Douglas's favorite foods

Favorite bands and musical artists

He loved Black Sabbath, Doobie Brothers, Aerosmith, AC/DC, Randy Travis, and so many others.

Interesting facts about Douglas

He was a United States Naval Veteran.

Douglas loved nothing more than

Playing music on his guitar. Talking with his children about their life and accomplishments. Putting smiles on everyone’s face. And he loved talking about the Bible and Jesus.

Favorite place in the world

His favorite place in the world was his parents home in Virginia where he grew up surrounded by his family.

Favorite TV shows

He loved Star-Trek, Xfiles, Jag, and Walker Texas Ranger.

Favorite sports

He loved the football team the Miami Dolphins.

Douglas's profession(s)

He was a retired United States Naval Veteran.

Douglas's superpower

He could make anyone laugh no matter what mood they were in.

Favorite musical instrument

The guitar.

Douglas's proudest accomplishments

His proudest accomplishment was watching his 5 children grow into adults and having children of their own.

Name of Douglas's parents

His father and mothers names are Billy and Viola Danner


Douglas Dean Danner, a United States Naval Veteran and beloved father, grandfather, and brother, passed away on May 3, 2024, in Jacksonville, FL. He was born on April 16, 1961, in Orlando, FL, to Billy and Viola Danner.

Douglas had a deep love for music, especially playing the guitar. He enjoyed creating silly songs that brought laughter to everyone's faces. His favorite bands and musical artists included Black Sabbath, Doobie Brothers, Aerosmith, AC/DC, Randy Travis, and many others. Music was his passion and meant everything to him.

In addition to his musical talents, Douglas proudly served in the United States Navy and later retired. He found joy in talking with his children about their lives and accomplishments and was a source of happiness for everyone he encountered. Douglas loved discussing the Bible and Jesus, reflecting his strong religious beliefs.

When he wasn't playing music or engaging in Bible discussions, Douglas enjoyed watching his favorite TV shows, including Star Trek, X-Files, JAG, and Walker Texas Ranger. He also cheered for the Miami Dolphins, his favorite football team.

Douglas's favorite place in the world was his parents' home in Virginia, where he grew up surrounded by family. He cherished the memories created there and held his upbringing close to his heart.

Among his proudest accomplishments was witnessing his five children grow into adults and start their own families. He was particularly proud that his grandson, Tommy, inherited his love for the guitar.

Douglas, also known as Daddy Do to his children and Happy Pappy to his grandchildren, had a remarkable ability to make anyone laugh, regardless of their mood. His infectious humor brought joy to his loved ones' lives and left a lasting impression on everyone he met.

He was preceded in death by the love of his life, Elizabeth Danner, who passed away nine years before him. Douglas leaves behind cherished memories for his children: Frankie, Felicia and her husband Michael, Deedee and her life partner Robby, Katelyn and her husband Billy, Douglas and his husband Mike, and Billy Dean and his wife Josie. He was also a proud grandfather to twelve grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Douglas is survived by his two brothers, three sisters, and numerous nieces, nephews, and cousins.

Douglas Dean Danner will be remembered for his incredible sense of humor, caring nature, and devout religious beliefs. Instead of saying goodbye, he would say, "See you later, alligator, after a while, crocodile." His legacy lives on through his loving family and the memories they shared together.

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Born on April 16, 1961

Orlando, FL

Passed away on May 03, 2024

Jacksonville, FL

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Douglas Dean Danner's memorial is managed by katelynogle1992

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