22 mar 1989 - 2 ago 202022 de marzo de 1989 - 2 de agosto de 2020
Muestra tu apoyo a Donnie y ayuda a mantener nuestra web gratuita para las familias en duelo.
Todavía no se han plantado árboles.
Dallas texas
Dallas Texas
She loved stuffing her face with pizza and snorting crack
Pizza and Coca Cola
Taylor swift and cuppykake
She started smoking crack cocaine at age 14
Shopping at Payless or jc Pennys every 4th of July sale
Her bed and the kitchen
You and stranger things(she never got to finish stranger things)
Stuffing her face with junk till she pukes
her friends and family miss her deeply. They’re sad that she developed the crack cocaine addiction at age 14 but are relieved she won’t continue the addiction she dide august 2 due to covid and it shocked us all how the crack cocaine addiction didn’t get her first
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Dallas texas
Dallas Texas