Donald Andrew Trussell

8 ene 1960 - 3 jul 20248 de enero de 1960 - 3 de julio de 2024

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Donald Andrew Trussell

8 ene 1960 - 3 jul 20248 de enero de 1960 - 3 de julio de 2024

Place of birth

Kirkland, WA

Most recently lived in

Seattle, WA

Donald's favorite hobbies


Donald's favorite foods

Favorite bands and musical artists

Loved all country music

Interesting facts about Donald

Taught 'Dale' the squirrel to catch peanuts

Donald loved nothing more than

animals and wildlife

Favorite place in the world

Favorite TV shows

Favorite sports



Donald Andrew Trussell, lovingly known as Donnie, was born on January 8, 1960, in Kirkland, WA. He passed away on July 3, 2024, in Seattle, WA, leaving behind a legacy of love and warmth at 64 years old.

Donnie had a passion for cooking and could often be found in the kitchen, creating delectable dishes for his loved ones. He had a deep appreciation for country music and enjoyed listening to his favorite bands and musical artists. One of his interesting feats was teaching 'Dale' the squirrel to catch peanuts, showcasing his unique connection with animals and wildlife.

NASCAR was one of Donnie's favorite sports, and he followed it with great enthusiasm. Throughout his life, he excelled as a successful car salesman, and one of his greatest accomplishment was amassing thousands of followers on Tiktok with his infectious personality.

He is survived by his son, James Trussell, who will carry on his father's legacy of kindness and passion. He is also remembered by his four siblings: Stephanie Huff, Christopher Trussell, Kimberley Smith, and Samantha Trussell.

Donnie actively participated in the Matt Talbot Center, demonstrating his commitment to helping those in need. He found solace in his Christian faith and even became an ordained minister.

Donald Andrew Trussell will be deeply missed by all who knew him. His memory will forever be cherished, and his impact on the lives of those around him will never be forgotten. May he rest in eternal peace.

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Nació el January 8, 1960

Kirkland, WA

Falleció el July 3, 2024

Seattle, WA

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