Dominique Marie fata

Dec 25, 1986 - Jan 18, 2023December 25, 1986 - January 18, 2023

Photo of Dominique

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Dominique Marie fata

Dec 25, 1986 - Jan 18, 2023December 25, 1986 - January 18, 2023

Place of birth

New Jersey

Most recently lived in

Newburgh New York

Dominique's favorite hobbies


Dominique's favorite foods

Chicken nuggets

Favorite bands and musical artists

A boogie, Lil Durk, Kodak Black

Interesting facts about Dominique

She was definitely one of a kind. She was resilient, She was born on Christmas.

If you could tell Dominique anything today, what would you say?

Dominique you were loved. Your going to be missed more than you will ever have known. I love you more than I could ever express in words

Dominique loved nothing more than

Her son,Driving, Having a good time, making others laugh

Favorite TV shows

Rick & Morty

Name of Dominique's children


Name of Dominique's parents

Marie Gagnon


Dominique truly was one of a kind.

She would give the shirt off her back.

Despite the trials and tribulations she was faced with during her time here on earth she was resilient and over came each and everything that was thrown her way..

She was predeceased by her mother Eva Gagnon

She is survived by her son Jayden, her sons grandmother and caregiver Debra Decker, her brothers, cousin Danielle Albanese, Significant other Maurice Reed, and friend that was like a sister Brittney Davis

Plant a Tree in Dominique's memory

We'll plant real trees for you in Dominique's memory and display your contribution forever.

Dominique's Guestbook

All condolences, notes and wishes in this book of memories.


Dominique's Photos

Dominique timeline of pictures, videos, audio and stories.

Select a photo to expand it and view its comments.


Born on December 25, 1986

New Jersey

Passed away on January 18, 2023

Newburgh New York

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Dominique Marie fata's memorial is managed by Brittney Davis.

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