26 ago 2010 - 29 sept 202226 de agosto de 2010 - 29 de septiembre de 2022
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Todavía no se han plantado árboles.
Her Roblox friends and family! Especially nubwieg and lily!
Drawing, singing and exploring
Aisha Gonzalez and Jose Ariel
She only likes songs from tv (so random)
She loves trains, she loves the color green, she loves reading!
How much I loved her!
Apple sauce
Hersey theme park
Thomas the train
I had miscarriage few years ago due to endometriosis. We been trying to have a baby for years! Finally we was blessed with baby dj Marie Gonzalez on august 26 2010. She was such a caring, funny! Lovable, smart. Honorable child. Everyone around her adored her even the doctors. She always brought smiles to everyone faces & included those around her. Despite, my child being such a wonderful person with incredible skills & abilities like winning multiple competitions, playing multiple instruments. Knowing many different languages and going into advanced classes at such an young age. My daughter has health issues since the day she was born. When I did her, she didn’t have enough water (she almost died ). For the few weeks after she was born. She seem healthy but at 1 month she suffered an cluster of seizures. As life move on, more health issues appeared but the one that took her life was heart cancer sadly :( Words cannot express how sadden everyone is by this news. Even her family & friends in real life that are so used to seeing her all the time. Now her seat is empty at school, no one ever dares to sit there. Things don’t feel the same without her. Rest In Peace my Angel 👼
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