25 ene 1966 - 14 may 201825 de enero de 1966 - 14 de mayo de 2018
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Birmingham Alabama
Iesha parson , Felicia stover
Coretta stover , Peter hank
Thelma,lois,Angela,Debbie,David,Isaiah,Oscar Lee,Aaron
Gordon high
Atlanta Georgia
She love her family
Thank you. The family of the late Ms. Denise Stover express their deppest gratitude and appreciation for all of the love and showed expression of sympathy to their wonderful mother during our loss. Your visits, card calls, flowers and prayers will serve to brighten the lonely days ahead.
Sunset came for Mrs. Denise Stover on May 14, 2018.
A loving mother, she leaves to chersih her memory two daughters, Felicia Stover and lesha Parson; grandchildren Keiasia, Kimora, Kahleela, Lavatis and Josiah. She is preceded in death by her mother, Coretta Stover, and father, Peter Hank. She was loved by her siblings: sisters Thelma, Lois, Angela and Debbie; brothers David, Isaiah, Oscar Lee and Aaron; as well as a host of nieces, cousins, distant family and friends.
Denise (Neicy) was a loving, stern mother who wished for nothing more than to have two very independent daughters. She was a single mom with a wonderful, responsible job of being the grandmother to 5 beautiful children. In her living, as you see in her picture, she wears a beautiful smile as she did her entire life, no matter any heartaches. She enjoyed people, BBQs with her kids, and keeping an immaculate household (You could eat off her floor).
She will be greatly missed.
Flv high angel!
You truly will recieve your White House now.
Plantaremos árboles de verdad en memoria de Denise y mostraremos tu contribución para siempre.
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La línea de tiempo de Denise con fotos, videos, audios e historias.
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Birmingham Alabama
Atlanta Georgia