Darran Irvine

Jan 11, 1971 - Jan 26, 2023January 11, 1971 - January 26, 2023

Photo of Darran

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Darran Irvine

Jan 11, 1971 - Jan 26, 2023January 11, 1971 - January 26, 2023

Place of birth


Most recently lived in


Darran's favorite hobbies


Darran's favorite foods


Favorite bands and musical artists


Interesting facts about Darran

He loved his kids and traveling

If you could tell Darran anything today, what would you say?

I love you

Darran loved nothing more than

His kids

Favorite place in the world


Favorite TV shows

Pawn wars


January 26th 2023 Darren Irvine also known in his community as RAM, (January 11th,1971)passed away, unexpectedly, at the age of 51. Darren was a defense attorney for The Franks Law Firm. He also owned his own Construction Company by the name of RAM Construction. Darren was born into a large Family within the city of Montgomery/ Mississippi. He is predeceased by his Father and Mother, Willie and Gussie Mike. Darren is survived by his Children: Candace,Christina(cree),Martin, and Ja'Nae; Grandchildren: Zaniya, Harlynn, Xiomara, and Jasmine; Siblings: Ethel, Cynthia of Montgomery Alabama . nieces and nephews; family and friends. Darren was greatly known for his smile and fashion, wherever you saw RAM, you'd be sure to see a huge smile, and him wearing the latest fashion. We are welcoming you to join as we celebrate Darren’s life. Calling hours will be held on Friday, February 3rd, from 10 a.m. -12pm Church of God in Christ 120 Old Airport rd, Hattiesburg,MD A funeral service will follow at 12 p.m. with burial Highland Cemetery 3401 W 7th st. Hattiesburg MD. All donations cards and flowers will be directed to the oldest daughter Christina.

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Darran's Guestbook

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Darran's Photos

Darran timeline of pictures, videos, audio and stories.

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Born on January 11, 1971


Passed away on January 26, 2023


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Darran Irvine's memorial is managed by christinamccray29.

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