Dan (Dana) Fitzgerald Deloney

Mar 12, 1970 - Sep 26, 2022

Photo of Dan (Dana)

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Dan (Dana) Fitzgerald Deloney

Mar 12, 1970 - Sep 26, 2022

Place of birth

Oklahoma City

Most recently lived in

Akron, Ohio

Dan (Dana)'s favorite hobbies

Working, Playing Basketball & Taking lots of naps

Dan (Dana)'s favorite foods

Meatloaf, Pork Chops, and Taco Bell

Favorite bands and musical artists


Interesting facts about Dan (Dana)

If you could tell Dan (Dana) anything today, what would you say?

Dan (Dana) loved nothing more than

His sister Rhonda & his kids.

Favorite place in the world

Favorite TV shows


Dan (Dana) Fitzgerald Deloney 52, passed away September 26,2022. He was born in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma to the late Leotis Deloney and Lillian Viney-King and was a Douglass High School graduate.

Dana worked for Target for over 15 years and was a certified mechanic who loved working on cars, specifically Chrysler MOPAR. More than anything, he was a devoted family man who will be deeply missed…

He is survived by his wife of 14 years, Michelle; Mother Lillian Viney-King; Father Leotis Deloney; Son Dana Deloney Jr.; Daughters, Aaliyah Deloney, Danica Deloney, and Alyssa Hudson.; 1 grandchild, Nathaniel Harris. and many other loving relatives and friends.

He is preceded in death by his sister Rhonda Carol Deloney, and his step father Paul Rener.

The funeral service will be held on Saturday, October 1st, 2022 at 12 noon at the Eckard Baldwin Funeral Home and Chapel, 760 E. Market St., Akron, OH 44305. Calling hours will be at the funeral home for two hours prior to the service, from 10 am – 12 noon, with burial at Chestnut Hill Memorial Park.

Please share your thoughts and condolences by visiting his Tribute Wall above.

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Photo of Dan (Dana)

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Photo of Dan (Dana)

Born on March 12, 1970

Oklahoma City

Passed away on September 26, 2022

Akron, Ohio

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Photo of Dan (Dana)
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Dan (Dana) Fitzgerald Deloney's memorial is managed by aaliyahhpaigee

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