Dale Rosendol Gober

Mar 26, 1962 - Jan 20, 2023March 26, 1962 - January 20, 2023

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Dale Rosendol Gober

Mar 26, 1962 - Jan 20, 2023March 26, 1962 - January 20, 2023

Place of birth


Dale loved nothing more than

spending time with his family and watching football games with his wife.

Dale's favorite hobbies

Watching football, going to church, and playing monopoly

Name of High School attended

Hillsboro High school

Dale's proudest accomplishments

Dales proudest accomplishment was reading the entire Holy Bible.

Interesting facts about Dale

If you could tell Dale anything today, what would you say?

Dale loved nothing more than

worshipping the lord

Favorite place in the world

Favorite TV shows


Dale Gober passed away January 20, 2023 at his home in Nashville, Tennessee. Dale R. Gober was born and raised in Nashville, Tennessee. The youngest of his 5 siblings, he lived a long and healthy life. He is survived by his 2 children and wife, Kathy Gober who will miss watching the big game with him on Sundays. Dale married Kathy in August of 1993, and raised her 2 children Karen and Rider Monroe in Spring Hill, Tennessee. Dale and Kathy devoted their lives to christ in 1997 and attended Wellspring Christian Church and Kathy will stay devoted to christ even now. Dale loved working in the church as a youth pastor and member of the church choir, so he will be dearly missed by everyone. Dale read the Bible every night and enjoyed studying the word with his family and cherished the nights he spent worshipping the lord. Dale moved to the town of his birth in Nashville, Tennessee in February of 2005. Dale was not only a great father and Christian but he also was a proud custodian working at Spring Hill Elementary for the last 34 years. All who met Dale will agree he always had a smile on his face and made tons of friends along the way. His family would like to say ," Thank you Dale, for always being the best man to ever live." Dale will live on in his friends, family and the Church.

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Dale's Guestbook

All condolences, notes and wishes in this book of memories.


Dale's Photos

Dale timeline of pictures, videos, audio and stories.

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Born on March 26, 1962


Passed away on January 20, 2023

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Dale Rosendol Gober's memorial is managed by tristanhomo12.

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