Dale John Samm

25 jun 1994 - 25 sept 202225 de junio de 1994 - 25 de septiembre de 2022

Photo of Dale

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Dale John Samm

25 jun 1994 - 25 sept 202225 de junio de 1994 - 25 de septiembre de 2022

Place of birth

Luton & Dunstable Hospital

Most recently lived in


Dale's favorite hobbies

Owning sports branded clothing

Dale's favorite foods

McDonald's, chicken nuggets, pasta

Favorite bands and musical artists


Interesting facts about Dale

Everybody loved Dale - he could charm the birds off the trees

If you could tell Dale anything today, what would you say?

I love you so much Dale - let's get some proper treatment and a support network so you can get past all the crap and live the amazing life that you were supposed to - you have so much to give

Dale loved nothing more than

Getting dressed in his branded tracksuit and a brand new pair of trainers

Favorite place in the world

Anywhere he felt happy

Favorite TV shows

WWE wrestling

Favorite sports

Liked to go to the occasional football match

Favorite movies

AliG in da House; Toy Story

Dale's profession(s)


Dale's superpower

Being able to make everyone around him feel blessed

Dale's proudest accomplishments

His daughter Darcey

Dale's pets in life

He would have loved to have a dog and instead he was loved by the family dogs

Favorite musical instrument


Favorite ice cream flavor


Places Dale traveled to

Mallorca; Cornwall; Brighton

Name of High School attended

Putteridge then moved to Ashcroft - both in Luton

Name of Dale's parents

Paul Samm and Donna Hanrahan

Name of Dale's siblings

Grace - his adored half sister

Name of Dale's children

D'Arcy Rae

Name of college attended

School of Life and the University of Hard Knocks


My heart is broken

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Libro de visitas de Dale

Todas las condolencias, notas y deseos en este libro de recuerdos.


Fotos de Dale

La línea de tiempo de Dale con fotos, videos, audios e historias.

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Nació el June 25, 1994

Luton & Dunstable Hospital

Falleció el September 25, 2022


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El memorial de Dale John Samm está gestionado por Jane Franklin.

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