Cristina Mary Martinez-Scheer

May 02, 1969 - Jun 17, 2024

Photo of Cristina

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Cristina Mary Martinez-Scheer

May 02, 1969 - Jun 17, 2024

Place of birth

Grand Rapids, MI

Most recently lived in

Grand Rapids, MI

Cristina's favorite hobbies

Crafting, Being in nature, Gardening, scrap booking

Cristina's favorite foods

Favorite bands and musical artists

Randy Travis, Garth Brooks, Madonna, Prince, George Michael

Interesting facts about Cristina

Cristina loved nothing more than


Favorite place in the world

Being by Lake Tahoe

Favorite TV shows

Favorite sports

Name of Cristina's parents

Herbert Sheer- Father Kathleen Sheer- Mother


Cristina Mary Martinez-Scheer, lovingly known as Memaw and Auntie, was born on May 2, 1969, in Grand Rapids, MI, to Herbert and Kathleen Scheer. She spent her time in and around the same city where she attended Central High School and started to work at Perrys Drug store. Cristina peacefully passed away on June 17, 2024, in her hometown of Grand Rapids, MI.

Cristina was a devoted wife to Carlos Martinez, whom she started dating in 1988 after briefly working together, the two were married on October 3rd, 1992 at St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church. Despite their different backgrounds, the two of them built a life filled with love, laughter, and cherished memories. Cristina's greatest joy in life was her family. She adored her two children, David Martinez and Antonena Martinez, she was above all a loving Memaw to her precious grandchildren, Bentlee, Arabella, and Jude.

Cristina had an unwavering loyalty to God and her husband. She was known for her heart of gold and her willingness to go above and beyond for those she held dearly. Cristina's family and friends will always remember her for her kind and loving nature. In fact, if Cristina could be defined in one word it would be serene. She would often read aloud the serenity prayer "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." in tough times to remind herself and those around her to take each day with grace.

A Catholic by faith, Cristina found solace and strength in her spiritual beliefs. Her impact on the lives of others was immeasurable, despite the hardships life brought to her, she will forever be remembered as a pillar of love.

In her free time, Cristina could always be found outside among the flowers and the water she so loved. She enjoyed crafting, gardening, and scrapbooking. Growing up Cristina spent her summers with her family at Lake Tahoe in New Era, MI. She had a special bond with her father who would teach her how to catch frogs and hunt for berries and mushrooms something she carried with with into adulthood.

Cristina had a successful career at UPS, where she devoted 35 years of her life. She also achieved the remarkable feat of graduating from Davenport University with a Bachelor's Degree in Accounting.

Cristina will be met in heaven by her loving parents Herbert and Kathleen Scheer as well as her elder brother John Scheer. Survived by, four brothers and eldest sister. (Amy Bush ,Dave, Paul, Herb and Cyril Scheer) and the memories she created with them.

Cristina Mary Martinez-Scheer will be remembered for her selflessness, dedication to family, and her gentle spirit. Her legacy will live on in the hearts of all those who were fortunate enough to know her.

Past ceremonies

Visitation Service

Join us this Friday for the visitation for Cristina Martinez. All family and friends welcome.


Friday, June 21, 2024 at 4:00 PM


4646 Kalamazoo Ave SE, Kentwood, MI 49508

Memorial Service

Funeral service will be Saturday 6/22. Join us in celebrating and remembering the beautiful life of Cristina Martinez. There will be a luncheon afterwards, followed by the burial for those who wish to join.


Saturday, June 22, 2024 at 11:00 AM


4646 Kalamazoo Ave SE - 4646 Kalamazoo Ave SE, Kentwood, MI 49508, USA

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Photo of Cristina

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Photo of Cristina

Born on May 02, 1969

Grand Rapids, MI

Passed away on June 17, 2024

Grand Rapids, MI

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Photo of Cristina
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Cristina Mary Martinez-Scheer's memorial is managed by Jasmine Perez

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