Jun 6, 2022 - Oct 6, 2022June 6, 2022 - October 6, 2022
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Fish food , it’s children
In Xavier’s room.
Swimming, making babies .
Cookie passed away peacefully with its close family members by its side. Cookie was know as a fish who kept swimming and lived life to its full potential. Graduating from Sea Hook High, Cookie is joined by both its parents. Cookie also leaves behind its significant other , Oreo. It’s family of 11 babies , his brother Xavier Olinger, adopted mother , Valeria Alba and adopted father Zachary Olinger . Along side his dog brother , Buckeye. A memorial mass is in the making and funeral service will be hosted and presented to close family and friends.
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All condolences, notes and wishes in this book of memories.
Cookie timeline of pictures, videos, audio and stories.
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In Xavier’s room.