Connie M. Anderson

Oct 11, 1940 - Feb 10, 2010October 11, 1940 - February 10, 2010

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Connie M. Anderson

Oct 11, 1940 - Feb 10, 2010October 11, 1940 - February 10, 2010

Place of birth



John (Jack) Mihall and Harold Brokaw

Length of marriage

More than 30 years with Ray Anderson


Four years in Texas and most of her life in Windsor Heights


Legal secretary and administrative assistant


Gardening and fishing


Husband, daughter, two sons, two step-children, sister, three brothers, several cousins, nieces, and nephews

Preceded in death by

Parents and younger sister

Most recently lived in

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Connie's favorite foods

Favorite place in the world


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Born on October 11, 1940


Passed away on February 10, 2010

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