Clifton Boyd

Jan 11, 1939 - Sep 26, 2022

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Clifton Boyd

Jan 11, 1939 - Sep 26, 2022

Place of birth


Clifton's favorite hobbies

Movies and taking things apart to rebuild then

Clifton loved nothing more than

Bring around loved ones and friends

Favorite sports


Name of High School attended

Aurora High Shool

Name of Clifton's parents

Clifton was adopted by Ardetha Boyd

Name of Clifton's children

Shelia Warren, Sarah Warren, Michael Warre, Mark Boyd, Bradford Boyd, Johnny Boyd, Aletha Boyd, Emmanuel Boyd

Name of Clifton's grandchildren

Lortoria Warren, Delisha Warren, Jamisha Warren, Terrell Warren, Azariah Boyd, Ethan Boyd, Taylor Boyd, Alisha’s Boyd, Nyreisha Boyd

Name of Clifton's parents

Adopted by Ardetha Boyd


Clifton grew up in Aurora NC. He graduated from Aurora high school. He worked for PCS Phodphate for 33 years. Clifton was a dedicated Husband, father and friend. Clifton was truly s man of wisdom. He will continue to live on through his family and loved ones.

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Clifton's Photos

Clifton's timeline of pictures, videos, audio and stories.

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Born on January 11, 1939


Passed away on September 26, 2022

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Clifton Boyd's memorial is managed by iluvelortoria

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