Clifford Clement Barlow

May 11, 1944 - Jul 31, 2022May 11, 1944 - July 31, 2022

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Clifford Clement Barlow

May 11, 1944 - Jul 31, 2022May 11, 1944 - July 31, 2022

Place of birth

Burlington vt

Most recently lived in

Ontario, California

Clifford's favorite hobbies

Golf Golf and more Golf

Clifford's favorite foods

Too many to write

Favorite bands and musical artists

Loved music

Interesting facts about Clifford

He Loved to Dance, people use to say ' He had more moving parts then a vending machine

If you could tell Clifford anything today, what would you say

You will be greatly missed

Name of High School attended

Burlington vt

Name of college attended

Name of Clifford's parents

Winifred (winnie) Barlow, Clement Clifford Barlow-both deceased

Name of Clifford's siblings

Debbie Barlow Fournier, Brien Barlow both deceased. Mike Barlow, Donna Myers, Lori Bannister and Amadee Denton

Name of Clifford's children

Ben Barlow

Name of Clifford's grandchildren


Living siblings and family

He is survied by his wife Mary Barlow, Mike and Joan of NC, kevin and Lori of swanton vt, Donna and Doug of colchester vt, Amadee and Fred of Williston vt, Ben & Jen of Shelburne vt.


Cliffy( Cuda) lived a full productive life. He lived it to the fullest, while pushing through all his medical issues that unfortunately started at a young age. He enjoyed Dancing and would love to imitate micheal Jackson's dance moves. He was great at making people crack up. His passion and love for the game of golf was something he was truly passionate about. He went all over the Globe to teach young future golfers because it was his passion. He adored all his friends near and far, and he had MANY. He was good at anything he touched and will be greatly missed. RIP brother, Husband, Uncle, cousin, father, son, friend and of course mentor.

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Clifford's Guestbook

All condolences, notes and wishes in this book of memories.

Clifford's Photos

Clifford timeline of pictures, videos, audio and stories.

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Born on May 11, 1944

Burlington vt

Passed away on July 31, 2022

Ontario, California

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Clifford Clement Barlow's memorial is managed by loribarlow52.

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