Cindy Christine Mott

Sep 23, 1962 - Sep 23, 2023September 23, 1962 - September 23, 2023

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Cindy Christine Mott

Sep 23, 1962 - Sep 23, 2023September 23, 1962 - September 23, 2023

Place of birth

El Paso Texas

Most recently lived in

Odessa Texas

Cindy's favorite hobbies

She didn’t have a lot of time for hobbies because she worked very hard, when she wasn’t working she enjoyed painting, art work, writing poetry, carving sticks, cooking, baking and spending time with family and friends

Cindy's favorite foods

She loved food, because it brought people together. She baked bread, made cookies, homemade wine, peanut brittle, and peanut clusters. Every year she bought cordial cherries and a box of oranges that she shared with everyone.

Favorite bands and musical artists

Old school country, music inspired, written and performed by her friends. She loved music you could dance to.

Interesting facts about Cindy

She was very independent, and straight to the point. She didn’t lie cheat or steal. She worked hard for everything she had and shared it with everyone. She set her mind to something and guaranteed it was getting done

Cindy loved nothing more than

Her family and friends

Favorite place in the world

At a table eating food with her loved ones

Favorite TV shows

Anything inspirational or educational.

Favorite sports

She ran track in school, and was a horse jockey at one point in her life. She taught her own son how to throw a football and practice wrestling moves even though she hated football

Favorite movies

Her all time favorite book was the little red hen.

Cindy's profession(s)

She passed her CWI certification exam, and worked her way up from welders helper to a certified welding inspector. Was also a GS-11 for the Bureau of Reclamation prior to becoming a CWI. As a single mom she worked as a Veterinarian technician & receptionist in the day, and bartended at night.

Cindy's superpower

As a single mother who overcame many traumatic experiences, and challenging obstacles she worked 3 jobs, then came home at night and crocheted blankets so that her kids would have a gift on Christmas.


Cindy was a single mother of 3 children; Julie, Kenneth and Stephanie. . A grandma to 6 children, a great grandma to 3. She was a very loved Aunt Cindy. She started out with nothing and worked her way up to something. She found truth and value in her family and friends. Loved working with animals, and always brought home the wildest, meanest tom cats she could find, that nobody could touch without loosing a finger or an eye except her. She loved and adored her puppies, and brought them everywhere with her, and gave them the best of things. She grew up at a young age, against worldly odds. Her lifetime best friend is Peggy Smuin who she maintained a close relationship and a highly valued friendship with her whole life. She adored her baby sister Ester, and cherished her like the most prized treasure. Her baby brother Berry was one she knew she could count on no matter what. She was an elegant and beautiful woman, loved to dress up and attend parties, and also a hard working woman who wasn’t afraid to put on her work boots and show em how it’s done. She loved her mom and dad and always tried to make them proud. She was creative and loved to learn new things, travel and see new places. Nobody had to ever questioned wether she liked them or not, she told it how it is, and had no time for people’s BS. Her main goal and focus in life was to not rely on anyone else for anything and supply everything needed to bring friends and family together. Although she didn’t talk about religion or politics much at all, she had a deep love and Respect for God, and spiritual things. She believed in miracles and the power of determination. She had no fear, and even when faced with death she welcomed it with open arms and didn’t so much as shed a tear, and when her life was at an end she she didn’t try to hold on for one more breath, she moved on and left it all behind ready for the next.

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Cindy's Guestbook

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Cindy's Photos

Cindy timeline of pictures, videos, audio and stories.

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Born on September 23, 1962

El Paso Texas

Passed away on September 23, 2023

Odessa Texas

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Cindy Christine Mott's memorial is managed by Kenneth Carter.

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