20 abr 1987 - 29 sept 202220 de abril de 1987 - 29 de septiembre de 2022
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Globe/Miami, Arizona
Coloring, doing pranks, playing with his kids, fixing things being a handyman
Everything he loved food
Strawberry cheese cake and Monsters
He was the most funniest person I knew I would always tell him he should become a comedian
I miss you more than words can explain, every second of the day I think about. I'm regreting not marrying when I had the chance and I missed my chance and I hate myself for that.
Savina Williams, Eseya Mulholland, MyaAnn Mulholland
Being at home well anywhere as long as he was with his wife and three girls
Christopher loved our dog "Grizzly" I've never seen him get that close to any animal I always thought he wasn't an animal person but he would say grizzly was our son that we never had
Christopher was a wonderful husband, dad, son. He always knew how to pull a good prank on someone. He always made sure he was the jokster in the room. Oh boy and if you gave him monster you wouldn't be able to get him to stop talking crap to you, if he picked you that day you were done for.
Plantaremos árboles de verdad en memoria de Christopher y mostraremos tu contribución para siempre.
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Globe/Miami, Arizona