Cheryl Wiggins

Feb 26, 1958 - Jun 10, 2024February 26, 1958 - June 10, 2024

Photo of Cheryl

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Cheryl Wiggins

Feb 26, 1958 - Jun 10, 2024February 26, 1958 - June 10, 2024

Place of birth


Most recently lived in

Chicago, IL

Cheryl's favorite hobbies


Cheryl's favorite foods

Baked chicken and sweet potatoes

Favorite bands and musical artists

Interesting facts about Cheryl

Funny, bold, sweet, humble

Cheryl loved nothing more than

Her kids and grandkids

Favorite place in the world

Favorite TV shows

Favorite sports


Cheryl Wiggins, affectionately known as "Red bone" or "Queen C", passed away on June 10, 2024, at the age of 66. She was born on February 26, 1958, in Virginia and most recently resided in Chicago, IL. Cheryl was a woman of many interests, and her favorite hobbies included shopping for the latest fashion trends. She had a particular fondness for baked chicken and sweet potatoes, which always brought a smile to her face.

Known for her funny, bold, sweet, and humble nature, Cheryl's proudest accomplishments included earning a Bachelor's degree, graduating from culinary arts school, and completing hair school. Her determination and passion for learning were a testament to her hard work and dedication.

Cheryl's true joy in life came from her children and grandchildren. She adored her kids - Rodney, Tavaris, Quinton, Antwan, Briana, Bianca, and Brittany - and cherished the moments spent with her grandkids. Family was the center of her world, and she loved them unconditionally.

With a spirit that didn't care what anybody said, Cheryl had a unique way of impacting the lives of others. She always sought to uplift those around her, no matter the circumstances. Cheryl's kindness and generosity extended beyond her family, as she was involved in Club 55, an organization dedicated to fostering community connections and support.

Cheryl Wiggins will be deeply missed by all who had the pleasure of knowing her. Her legacy of love, laughter, and resilience will forever be remembered. May she rest in eternal peace.

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Cheryl's Photos

Cheryl timeline of pictures, videos, audio and stories.

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Born on February 26, 1958


Passed away on June 10, 2024

Chicago, IL

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Cheryl Wiggins's memorial is managed by Brittany Wiggins.

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