Cheryl J Acree

8 ene 1953 - 28 sept 20228 de enero de 1953 - 28 de septiembre de 2022

Photo of Cheryl

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Cheryl J Acree

8 ene 1953 - 28 sept 20228 de enero de 1953 - 28 de septiembre de 2022

Place of birth

Cleveland Ohio

Most recently lived in

Shaker Heights Ohio

Cheryl's favorite hobbies


Cheryl's favorite foods


Favorite bands and musical artists

Lover of all sorts of music

Cheryl's profession(s)

United Airlines Flight Attendant

Cheryl loved nothing more than

To spend time with her children and grandchildren

Favorite ice cream flavor

Pralines and Cream

If you could tell Cheryl anything today, what would you say?

We miss her and love her


Cheryl J. Acree Obituary 

Cheryl Jean Acree took her last breath and departed, soft as a dove, on September 28, 2022, in the arms of her three living children. Cheryl, affectionately known as Beanie and Grammy, was born on January 8th,1953 in Cleveland, Ohio, to the proud parents Dolores Elizabeth Thompson Acree and Robert Lee Acree Jr. She is preceded in death by Dolores Elizabeth Thompson Acree (mother), German Acree (brother), Cynden Heather Kee (daughter), Richard Acree Smith (Nephew), and Joseph Colin Nicholas Billups (Nephew).


Cheryl had four beautiful children, raising three, Aric, Brandon (Aida), Cynden (deceased), and Amirah (Miguel). Upon graduating from John Hay High School in 1971, she attended Ohio University before becoming a flight attendant for United Airlines. As a flight attendant she became a beacon for women’s rights and liberation, filing, and ultimately winning, a suit with fellow flight attendants against United Airlines for forcing unjust and sexist body requirements on the female staff. She traveled the world, leaving her mark on every city she visited until her retirement in 2012. 

Cheryl was many things: a loving daughter, a sister, a mother, a friend, a confidant, a protector. She was a listening ear and a warm hug, with a laugh that brightened even the worst of days. She was fiercely dedicated to her family, devoting her retirement years to caring for her ailing mother Dolores until her passing. As her battle with dementia progressed, she persisted and continued to create loving and lasting relationships with her grandchildren, Hunter, Maya, Aidan, and Ava.

Cheryl brought such joy to anyone she encountered. She loved to bake and shared her culinary creations with people all over the world, often trading pies for bread and dishes from foreign countries. Her wit was renowned and she was often sought out for her knowledge on a variety of topics, from spelling and etymology to beautifully belting out song lyrics of popular music that only she could remember in their entirety. She brought such warmth and wisdom to every situation and was a second mother to anyone that needed it. 

Cheryl is survived by her three children, four grandchildren, and large and loving extended family. We are grateful for the memories and love that she seared into our hearts and minds, and look forward to celebrating her life and honoring her as the angel on earth that she truly was. Her memorial service will be held at the Church of the Covenant on October 15, 2022, at 2 p.m. Following the ceremony, friends and family will gather in Dowd Commons, located within the church.

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Libro de visitas de Cheryl

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Fotos de Cheryl

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Nació el January 8, 1953

Cleveland Ohio

Falleció el September 28, 2022

Shaker Heights Ohio

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