Charmaine Shantelle Walker

Jul 14, 1975 - Jan 13, 2025July 14, 1975 - January 13, 2025

Photo of Charmaine

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Charmaine Shantelle Walker

Jul 14, 1975 - Jan 13, 2025July 14, 1975 - January 13, 2025

Place of birth

Fort Wayne, IN

Most recently lived in

Indianapolis, IN

Charmaine's favorite hobbies

Our Mother Loved To Cook & Do Nails , Everyone loved her work

Charmaine's favorite foods

Pizza and pasta , when we were kids she’d always make us Alfredo when we were sick 🩶

Favorite bands and musical artists

Charmaine loved nothing more than

Being With Her Children And Grandchildren

Favorite place in the world

Favorite TV shows

Favorite sports



Charmaine Shantelle Walker, affectionately known as "Lightskin," was born on July 14, 1975, in Fort Wayne, Indiana, and passed away on January 13, 2025, in Indianapolis, Indiana. Charmaine was a loving mother and grandmother, who cherished spending time with her children—Lavontae, Lorenzo, Myoshi, and Alexis—and her grandchildren.

Charmaine was not only known for her incredible cooking skills, especially her beloved homemade Alfredo that comforted her children during times of sickness, but also for her talent in nail artistry. Her work was adored by many, and she brought joy to those who experienced her craft. She had a passion for basketball and enjoyed sharing laughter and smiles with everyone around her.

In addition to her hobbies, Charmaine was a dedicated partner to her spouse, John, and a nurturing figure to many, extending her love through adoption. She was a strong advocate for adopted children and made a significant impact in their lives, showcasing her unwavering belief in family and community.

Charmaine's motto, "Keep dream chasing," was a testament to her resilient spirit and encouraging nature. She was deeply rooted in her faith in God, which guided her actions and interactions with others. Her legacy will be remembered through the love she shared and the laughter she brought into the lives of those fortunate enough to know her.

Past ceremonies


Church Of Indianapolis


Thursday, January 23, 2025 at 10:00 AM


Location not set

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Charmaine's Guestbook

All condolences, notes and wishes in this book of memories.


Charmaine's Photos

Charmaine timeline of pictures, videos, audio and stories.

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Born on July 14, 1975

Fort Wayne, IN

Passed away on January 13, 2025

Indianapolis, IN

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Charmaine Shantelle Walker's memorial is managed by Lavontae Walker.

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