10 jun 1960 - 6 ene 202510 de junio de 1960 - 6 de enero de 2025
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Louisville, KY
louisville kentucky
doughnuts and chili
he had a strong faith in God
God and family
his home and his lake
Charles William George Sr, age 64, of Louisville Kentucky. Returned to his Heavenly Father on Monday, January 6th, 2025. Charles was born June 10th, 1960 in Louisville Kentucky.
He was preceded in death by his Father Freddie, his mother, Anna mae George and his brother Timothy George.
He leaves to cherish his memory, his son Charles George Jr (Tosha) and his daughter Brandi George his grandchildren: Skyler, Heavenleigh and Breanna three other grandchildren and one great grandchild Siblings: Freddie (Paula), Jimmy, Wilbert (Sue), David, Steve (Phylis), and Johnny, his nephews Freddie Jr, Joe and many more his best friend Denny Alfred.
Plantaremos árboles de verdad en memoria de Charles y mostraremos tu contribución para siempre.
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Louisville, KY
louisville kentucky