Charles Buddy Curtis Rhames

Jan 3, 1971 - Jan 28, 2023January 3, 1971 - January 28, 2023

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Charles Buddy Curtis Rhames

Jan 3, 1971 - Jan 28, 2023January 3, 1971 - January 28, 2023

Place of birth


Most recently lived in

New.Bedford Ma

Name of Charles Buddy's parents

Albert and Gerry Saunders

Name of Charles Buddy's children

Johnathan Rhames

Name of Charles Buddy's siblings

Shannan Saunders, Joseph Saunders, Heather Saunders, James Saunders

Charles Buddy loved nothing more than

To make people smile and to be among family which he cherished more then anything.

Charles Buddy was a Military Veteran

Buddy served in the United States Army

Favorite TV shows

Seal team, swat, NCIS and football

Favorite bands and musical artists

Buddy like R and B country and the oldies

Favorite place in the world

With his family in Florida

Charles Buddy's profession(s)

Us Army, Fire fighter for East Hernando Fire Dept

Charles Buddy's superpower

Buddy could make anybody smile and laugh till they cried even when you were having a bad day or hated the world you wouldn't walk away like that from Buddy.


Charles Curtis Rhames ll "Buddy" as we all knew him by was born in Richmond Indiana on Jan. 3rd, 1971. At the age of 18 yrs old Buddy enlisted into the US Army. In 1990 Buddy came to Florida to stay and care for his grandmother due to his grandfather passing away and during this time Buddy met Shannan whom he had dated from 1990 till 1993 after they decided that they had become more like brother and sister then anything else. Buddy was apart of Shannon's family and basically was adopted into the family by Shannon's parents Al and Gerry who Buddy thought the world of and loved as if they were his biological parents. Buddy became a firefighter for East Hernando Fire department in 1992. Buddy was a big genital teddy bear who would make you smile and laugh till you cried even on days where you just were having a bad day. Buddy was always the life of the party and would impersonated Bill Cosby and was pretty good at it. Buddy married Julie and had a son named Johnathan who was the world to him and whom he was so proud of, it was one of Buddy's dreams in life to become a father and when Johnathan was born Buddy was so proud and as Johnathan grew up every day Buddy made sure he knew that he was proud of him and that he had such a great son .. Buddy is a very special person that God blessed all those who got the honor of meeting Buddy and will always ne held in the memories of those who loved him and had the honor of being loved by Buddy.

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Charles Buddy

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Charles Buddy

Born on January 3, 1971


Passed away on January 28, 2023

New.Bedford Ma

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Charles Buddy
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Charles Buddy Curtis Rhames's memorial is managed by Shannan Saunders.

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