Cary Glen Trexler

11 jun 1961 - 14 jul 202211 de junio de 1961 - 14 de julio de 2022

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Cary Glen Trexler

11 jun 1961 - 14 jul 202211 de junio de 1961 - 14 de julio de 2022

Most recently lived in

San Jose, CA

Cary's favorite hobbies

Gourmet cooking, current events, bicycling and motorcycles, computer gaming, sailing and kayaking, wines and fine dining, boat restoration, jewelry design.

Cary's favorite foods

Cary's favorite foods

Seafood. Fine wine. White chocolate..

Favorite bands and musical artists

Country western.

Interesting facts about Cary

Cary was a talented musician and songwriter, and he played the acoustical guitar. He studied, in college, computer automated design for commercial architecture, and theology. He loved dogs. He loved sailing fine dining traveling and hotels. He recently had taken up boat restoration. He was ranked Number One Player in the World, for several years in a row, on the video game War of the Worlds.

Favorite sports

Sailing, football and hockey

Cary's profession(s)

Shipping and receiving.

Favorite place in the world

Favorite TV shows


Cary Glen Trexler passed away in bed with his long-time girlfriend, Evelyn, and their small white dog, onJuly 14th 2022. He was 61 years old.

Cary is predecessed in death by his former wife, Angelica, of Redwood City, California. He is survived by his parents Gene and Dora's Trexler of Arkansas and his beautiful 36 year old daughter, Lilly, of Grass Valley, California.

Cary met his girlfriend Evelyn, a news reporter from Los Altos, in 2001, in Redwood City. They enjoyed camping, travel, music and water sports.

They lived together in Redwood City, Santa Clara and most recently at Casa de Novo, off the Alameda in San Jose.

Cardiopulmonary disease was cited as a primary factor in Cary's death. He was cremated in Nevada City, and his ashes returned to his daughter in Grass Valley, on July 24th 2022. A local church service and Memorial is being planned in San Mateo. It is slated to be announced, by the end of the month.

Prepared by Evelyn Gurzi, San Jose, 2022.

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Nació el June 11, 1961

Falleció el July 14, 2022

San Jose, CA

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El memorial de Cary Glen Trexler está gestionado por gevelynre.

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