5 abr 1970 - 13 nov 20225 de abril de 1970 - 13 de noviembre de 2022
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Murphy North Carolina
Tampa Florida
Sing and playing the saxophone
Cuban sandwiches
Motley Crue
Being with family
Carry H Moser, passed away on Sunday, November 13th in Tampa Florida at Tampa General Hospital.
Carry was born in April of 1970 in Murphy North Carolina. He was the youngest of 8 children, two preceded in his death. Carry was educated at the University of Ohio and played in a band in his spare time.
Carry married the late Amber Moser in 1990 at 20 years of age. They moved all around the U.S until they found their forever home here in Tampa Florida where most of his family had moved. Carry was a big family man. Carry and Amber did not have any children together but did have many siblings whom loved them both very much. Carry will be missed by many.
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Murphy North Carolina
Tampa Florida