Carol Ann Jerram

Sep 14, 1939 - May 02, 2023

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Carol Ann Jerram

Sep 14, 1939 - May 02, 2023

Place of birth

Brooklyn, New York


Graduated from Sacred Heart Academy, attended Molloy College for Women, and received her RN from Mary Immaculate Hospital School of Nursing


Married Bill Jerram on May 9, 1964


Worked as a nurse, including as an Intensive Care RN at Houston Northwest Medical Center


Survived by her husband Bill of 58 years, three children, and six grandchildren


Enjoyed researching her family tree, following baseball, relaxing on a beach, and savoring a glass of white wine


Was an ultimate dog lover and adored the family pets over the years

Memorial service

A memorial mass will be offered on June 3, 2023, at St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church in Houston

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Born on September 14, 1939

Brooklyn, New York

Passed away on May 02, 2023

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