14 may 1959 - 22 oct 202214 de mayo de 1959 - 22 de octubre de 2022
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Chicago, IL
Houston, Texas
Calvin was a professor at Texas Southern University
Funeral services will be held Sunday, October 30th at Mc Coy & Harrison funeral home at 11:30 AM followed by burial services at Glenwood Cemetery.
Calvin Sullivan was born May 14, 1959 and passed away October 22, 2022. Calvin was a loving Husband, Son, Father, and Grandfather. He was survived by his wife Tina Sullivan, his children, Leah Sullivan & Devin Sullivan, and grandchildren Michael Sullivan, Mareion Sullivan, Ashley Scott, Louis Smith, and many more.
Plantaremos árboles de verdad en memoria de Calvin y mostraremos tu contribución para siempre.
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Chicago, IL
Houston, Texas