Brion Jerome Grier

29 dic 2010 - 27 sept 202429 de diciembre de 2010 - 27 de septiembre de 2024

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Brion Jerome Grier

29 dic 2010 - 27 sept 202429 de diciembre de 2010 - 27 de septiembre de 2024

Place of birth

Charlotte, NC

Most recently lived in

Salisbury, NC

Brion's favorite hobbies

Basketball, video games, hanging out with friends.

Brion's favorite foods

Pizza, chicken, tacos and Takis

Favorite bands and musical artists

He loved the music from the 90s and would dance like Michael Jackson.

Interesting facts about Brion

Curious, brilliant, and lively. I believe these words are my son in a nutshell but to put examples to each… my son comes up with some of the most fascinating questions and if I don’t know the answers he will research it until he finds the answers. Which also makes him brilliant he blows me away with all the facts that he knows and how he can hold a grown up conversation with adults and participate in discussions about a variety of topics. We don’t stop talking about events because he is in the room. We believe he is old enough to know what is going on in the world and can form his own opinions based on information he is given. Finally I describe him as lively and sometime borderline rambunctious. My family, friends and I all agree that we want to find where and how he produces all his energy and bottle it. We know we would make a pretty penny on it but somehow it would be illegal lol. This kid keeps me on my toes. He plays videos games annd basketball and does par-core and now wants to do karate and football!!! This is on top of going to school and being the social butterfly of the class. Luckily the teacher is my friend so he knew what he was getting when he saw my kids name in his roster this year lol. He is always in a good mood and ready for anything.

Brion loved nothing more than

He loved his family more than anything in this world especially his mom.

Favorite place in the world

California is where he wanted to visit one day

Favorite TV shows

Sponge Bob and Juice

Favorite sports

Lamar Jackson with the Baltimore Ravens was his idol.


Brion Jerome Grier, affectionately known as BJ, was born on December 29, 2010, in Charlotte, North Carolina. He passed away unexpectedly on September 27, 2024, while residing in Salisbury, North Carolina.

Brion was a vibrant young boy with a curious mind and an infectious spirit. He loved basketball and was often found dribbling a ball on the court with dreams of becoming a star like his idol, Lamar Jackson of the Baltimore Ravens. An avid fan of video games, Brion was also a social butterfly who delighted in spending time with friends and family, sharing laughter and joy.

A lover of food, Brion had a particular fondness for pizza, chicken, tacos, and Takis. He found happiness in the simple things, often dancing to the tunes of 90s music with the same energy and enthusiasm as his favorite artist, Michael Jackson. His lively nature kept everyone on their toes, and his family often joked about wanting to bottle up his boundless energy.

Brion was not just a playful child; he was also brilliant and inquisitive. He possessed a remarkable ability to engage in meaningful conversations with adults and was known for asking profound questions, always seeking out answers with determination. His curious spirit and enthusiasm for learning made him a joy to be around, and his lively personality brightened the lives of everyone he met.

California was his dream destination, a place he longed to visit one day. Until then, he filled his days with his favorite shows, such as Spongebob and Juice, while dreaming about future adventures.

Above all, Brion loved his family, especially his mother, who was his biggest supporter and inspiration. His motto, “Hype Me Up!” embodied his enthusiasm for life and the joy he brought to those around him.

Brion Jerome Grier will be deeply missed by his family and friends, who will carry his vibrant spirit and love for life in their hearts forever.

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Nació el December 29, 2010

Charlotte, NC

Falleció el September 27, 2024

Salisbury, NC

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El memorial de Brion Jerome Grier está gestionado por davisnatashat063.

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