Boyd Davis

21 abr 1990 - 30 sept 202221 de abril de 1990 - 30 de septiembre de 2022

Photo of Boyd

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Boyd Davis

21 abr 1990 - 30 sept 202221 de abril de 1990 - 30 de septiembre de 2022

Place of birth

New Orleans , Louisiana

Most recently lived in

Houston , Texas

Boyd's favorite hobbies

Bull riding

Boyd's favorite foods


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Interesting facts about Boyd

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Favorite TV shows


A professional bull rider was fatally shot in what police are calling a domestic-violence related homicide.The Salt Lake Police Department arrested 21-year-old LaShawn Denise Bagley on suspicion of murder in the death of Boyd Omar Lateef Davis , who was known in bull riding circles as Omar Davis. Davis , 32, was found with "at least one gunshot wound" outside an apartment complex in Salt Lake City around 12:06 p.m. Friday , September 30th. He was transported to a local hospital where he died. Davis came to Salt Lake City to compete in the PRCA Rodeo at the Utah State Fair and planned to stay with Bagley, who he was in a relationship with, Fox 13 reported. Police said that after the fair, the two got into an argument at a downtown bar and Davis went to get his belongings at Bagley's apartment when he was shot. Davis had a four-year-old daughter who "loved her daddy," said the girl's mother Nyteshea Haywood. "She loved him and loved him and loved him. It was always, 'My daddy this, my daddy doing this, my daddy took me fishing,'" said the girl's mother. "She loves her dad and so having to break that news to her was a huge distraught."

Bagley is also facing charges of felony discharge of a firearm.

It is unclear if Bagley has retained an attorney who can speak on her behalf or entered a plea to the charges.

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Nació el April 21, 1990

New Orleans , Louisiana

Falleció el September 30, 2022

Houston , Texas

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