Barbara Svetkovich

Feb 11, 1940 - Dec 30, 2023

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Barbara Svetkovich

Feb 11, 1940 - Dec 30, 2023

Place of birth

Manistee, Michigan

Most recently lived in

Port Washington, Wisconsin

Barbara's favorite hobbies

Barbra loved to go to resale and thrift stores. She also loved to go to estate sales.

Barbara's favorite foods

Barbara loved going out for prime rib on special occasions and fish fries on fridays.

Name of Barbara's grandchildren

Barbara has 3 grandchildren she was very proud of, James Kubanek, James Young and Annie Young

Interesting facts about Barbara

Barbara battled cancer five times.

Barbara loved nothing more than

Barbara loved taking long drives to destinations unknown with her son Todd.

Name of Barbara's parents

Michael & Stella (nee Czak) Lijewski of Manistee Michigan

Name of Barbara's siblings

Jack Lijewski, Thomas Lijewski, Richard Lijewski

Name of Barbara's children

Preceeded in death by her children: Glen Kubanek, and twin girls Lois and Lori Kubanek Survived by her children: Todd Kubanek, Vicki (nee Kubanek) and Jim Young and step daughter Jacquie Kennerson

Interesting facts about Barbara

Over the last couple of years, most months, Barbara would make sizeable food donations to one of the local foods pantries. Barbara was a very loving and giving person


Barbara was born into this world on February 11th,1940 and departed it on December 30th, 2023.

Barbara died peacefully at home with her family after battling cancer for the fifth time.

She was born to and preceded in death by Michael and Stella (nee Czak) Lijewski.

Born to and preceded in death by her devoted husband William Svetkovich of Freesoil Michigan.

She was also preceded in death by three of her children, son Glen Kubanek and twin daughters Lois and Lori Kubanek.

Preceded in death by her brothers Jack Lijewski, Thomas Lijewski and Richard Lijewski

She is survived by her son Todd Kubanek, daughter Vicki (nee Kubanek) and son-in-law Jim Young and stepdaughter Jacquie Kennerson. Grandchildren James Kubanek, James Young and Annie Young, and many loving friends.

In lieu of flowers please make donations to Shalom Wildlife Sanctuary in Barbara's name.

Past ceremonies


Mass, with a memorial and celebration of her life to follow


Thursday, February 1, 2024 at 1:00 PM


430 Johnson St - 430 Johnson St, Port Washington, WI 53074, USA

Fundraiser for Barbara

Barbara loved Shalom Wildlife Sanctuary. We went there often as a family. We are raising money to help with their new renovations

Photo of Barbara

$0 collected

Goal: $2,500

Plant a Tree in Barbara's memory

We'll plant real trees for you in Barbara's memory, plus your choice of digital gift to display forever on Barbara's obituary.

Includes 3 free trees
Includes 10 free trees

Barbara's Guestbook

All condolences, notes and wishes in one book of memories.

Photo of Barbara

Barbara's Photos

Barbara's timeline of pictures, videos, audio and stories.

Select a photo to expand it and view its comments.

Photo of Barbara

Born on February 11, 1940

Manistee, Michigan

Passed away on December 30, 2023

Port Washington, Wisconsin

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Barbara Svetkovich's memorial is managed by wellnesswithpeers

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