Barbara Gorny Chapin

Nov 26, 1942 - Feb 10, 2010

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Barbara Gorny Chapin

Nov 26, 1942 - Feb 10, 2010

Place of birth

Scranton, PA


RN from Mercy Hospital School of Nursing, B.S in nursing from Marywood University, Masters in Health Care Administration from the University of Scranton


School nurse in the Scranton Public School System


Long-time resident of northeastern Pennsylvania, moved to Florida in 2001


Active in the PGA National Women's Golf Association, served on various committees and as an Officer and President of the organization, Co-Chairman of the Ladies' Cancer Tournament


Survived by husband Scott Chapin, son Michael P. Weber, daughter Kimberly A. Domiano, brother Alexander Gorny, and six granddaughters

Funeral arrangements

Friends may call on Saturday, February 20, from 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM in the afternoon at the Howard-Price Funeral Home, services will be held on Saturday at 2:30 PM at the Howard-Price Funeral Home Chapel

Memorial donations

Cancer Research Program, Jupiter Medical Center, Jupiter, FL

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Born on November 26, 1942

Scranton, PA

Passed away on February 10, 2010

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