alexis lewis

Dec 16, 2010 - Feb 5, 2025December 16, 2010 - February 5, 2025

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alexis lewis

Dec 16, 2010 - Feb 5, 2025December 16, 2010 - February 5, 2025

Place of birth


Most recently lived in

Seattle, WA

alexis's favorite hobbies

pleasuring herself with toddlers

alexis's favorite foods

her own poop

Favorite bands and musical artists

p diddy

Interesting facts about alexis

she has down syndrome

alexis loved nothing more than

to eat her poop and touch toddlers

Favorite place in the world


Favorite TV shows


Favorite sports

she considered eating her own poop a sport

alexis's pets in life

she had a group of 5 year olds against their will that she would call her pets

alexis's parents

her parents would often molest her and teach her to molest children

alexis's siblings

she had two sisters that also had down syndrome. she would often scissor with them


alexis was a very kind person who was known for her love for little kids, she loved them so much she got arrested for touching toddlers. she wouldnt let life get her down, even though she had down syndrome. she care for her people so much that she hated anyone that wasnt indian. i remember the good days when she would poop her pants at school, and then cover her ears and cry because of her down syndrome. one time i saw her walking with a little kid and get into a van, the kid was found a week later said that she used him to pleasure herself. she will be remebered forever as a kind hearted indian that loved kids.

i remember whenever she would get mad, she would poop in her hand and either eat it or throw it at people. there wasnt a day you couldnt find her without a toddler, she was obbsessed with them, either stalking one or pleasuring herself with one. if she wasnt pleasuring herself with a little kid she would be pleasuring herself with her own poop or another one of the indian girls with down syndrome. she will be remembered as a strong and kind indian that would always pleasure herself with or to toddlers.

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alexis's Photos

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Born on December 16, 2010


Passed away on February 5, 2025

Seattle, WA

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alexis lewis's memorial is managed by patrickcooperwendler.

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