Alexis Gabriel Sotomayor

Oct 1, 1997 - Oct 3, 2022October 1, 1997 - October 3, 2022

Photo of Alexis

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Alexis Gabriel Sotomayor

Oct 1, 1997 - Oct 3, 2022October 1, 1997 - October 3, 2022

Place of birth

San Juan, Puerto Rico

Most recently lived in

Alexis's favorite hobbies

Making music

Alexis's favorite foods

Arroz con gandules

Favorite bands and musical artists


Interesting facts about Alexis

He was a one of the funniest persons you would ever meet

If you could tell Alexis anything today, what would you say?

You’re life lives on forever, I’m going to make you proud.

Alexis loved nothing more than

Being able to make people smile, he would always bring a smile to anyone’s face even if he was having a bad day himself

Favorite place in the world

Puerto Rico

Favorite sports

If you knew Alexis, you knew he loved baseball with all his heart.


Alexis was the most loving and most caring person you would have ever met in your life span. He was full of adventures, he was full of laughter, he was full of life. Alexis was put into this world for a reason, he was given the chance to save people. He might have not known it, but he truly left a mark on everyone’s lives. Alexis was the best brother, son, husband, and father to all. Alexis was the person you would call when you were having troubles, he would drop everything to make sure you were okay. He was the best student in school, never gave up on his dream to be a business owner, he graduated and still he pursued a career in multiple degrees. He became his own business man. All throughout life Alexis made life long goals that he achieved and would not stop and quit until those goals surpassed his expectations, yet he still wanted to do more. He fought hard. Alexis was the best father to both his son and little girl, he cared, cherished, admired his family. He would give everything up in life for them. His mark on this world will not be forgotten. The sacrifices he made will not go unseen.

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Alexis's Guestbook

All condolences, notes and wishes in this book of memories.


Alexis's Photos

Alexis timeline of pictures, videos, audio and stories.

Select a photo to expand it and view its comments.


Born on October 1, 1997

San Juan, Puerto Rico

Passed away on October 3, 2022

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Alexis Gabriel Sotomayor's memorial is managed by yelishaco.

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