9 sept 2022 - 15 sept 20229 de septiembre de 2022 - 15 de septiembre de 2022
Muestra tu apoyo a AJay y ayuda a mantener nuestra web gratuita para las familias en duelo.
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AJ was a premature kitten
His favorite hobbies included eating sleeping and being warm and cozy in the incubator
AJ also had a sibling named Tangi
His mother’s name was Strawberry
1655 7th St., Salisbury, NC
AJ was a premature kitten more than likely was born early because his mother was given her vaccines at the shelter as well as they just had a pretty rough start in life. Him and his brother were born in a litter box which probably started the infection. But we made sure he was loved warm safe and fed before he passed away.
Plantaremos árboles de verdad en memoria de AJay y mostraremos tu contribución para siempre.
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La línea de tiempo de AJay con fotos, videos, audios e historias.
Selecciona una foto para expandirla y ver sus comentarios.
1655 7th St., Salisbury, NC