After Memorials

Remember your loved ones forever with beautiful online obituaries

Collaborate with family and friends to create meaningful, emotional obituaries for your loved ones in minutes

Create Free Obituary

Our loved ones deserve to be remembered forever

Bond with close friends and family on your own free private social network and collect the bits and pieces of their remarkable life story.

Our platform enables you to effortlessly create touching obituaries using AI, plant trees as a living tribute, and organize fundraisers for funeral expenses or charitable causes important to them. At After, we're dedicated to making memorialization meaningful and supportive, helping you celebrate their legacy with dignity and love.


Here are some examples of beautifully created online memorials using After

Tina Turner memorial in After viewed in an iPhoneTina Turner

Memorials Made Easy

Stunning Timeline

Move beyond a traditional obituary and craft a compelling timeline that vividly narrates the whole story. Share photos, videos, stories, audio clips, and more to capture every cherised moment.

Collaborative & Accessible

Invite family and friends to contribute, enriching their page with diverse perspectives and memories. Our user-friendly platform caters to all generations, ensuring seamless participation at one's own pace.

Heartfelt Obituaries, Enhanced by AI

Craft touching tributes effortlessly with our AI-enhanced obituary writing assistant. You'll be able to honor your loved one's memory with heartfelt narratives that capture the essence of their life.

Collage of old pictures and After memorials

Plant Trees as a Living Tribute

Honor their legacy by planting trees in their name. It's a tangible way to make a meaningful difference in the world around us.

Organize Fundraisers with Ease

Set up fundraisers to cover funeral costs or support a cause dear to your loved one, simplifying the process of gathering financial support.

Simplify Ceremony Logistics

Save time coordinating ceremonies by easily sharing details on locations and times, and directing where to send flowers, all in one place.


“My father died five years ago and just a few days before he died he recorded a voice mail that I still have just so I can listen to it. I didn't know what else to do with it until now. I am glad that I can have it here in After as I was worried that the phone might die and that I'd lose the message for ever”


Austin, Texas

“I came back from the funeral and I was hanging my black dress in the closet and I just stood there, I didn't want to close the door. I don't want ever to forget. Creating a memorial with After has allowed me to talk about my son more, and that helps me heal”


Atlanta, Georgia

“I had my mom's diary in a box under the bed. It had so many cool and interesting stories and I had no idea how to share with the family. Sharing these stories on After made me and my siblings feel closer to each other”


Austin, Texas

“I was afraid my children will grow up not knowing my mother. Photos don't do her justice. They don't tell the full story. Her personality. This is something that I liked and so did your mother and so did your grandmother”


St. Louis, Missouri

“At the funeral, I asked my dad's distant cousins about his stories but of course it was a difficult time and they couldn't remember much. It was easier to send them a link with After so whenever they remembered a story they could just click on the link and add the memory or the story to the timeline”


Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

We are committed to preserving all life stories
so we continue to be inspired by the legacy of those who came before us

It is an unsettling fact that the vast majority of the 107 billion people who have entered this world left no trace of themselves. Public tributes have long been reserved for a small handful of celebrities and leaders, while the rest of us hope against the odds that our own descendants might at least remember our names or keep our photos, until those too eventually fade.

Some comfort is offered by obituaries and genealogy websites, but trying to sum up entire lives in one paragraph, or trying to understand a personality by gathering stories from distant relatives at funerals doesn't do them justice. Distant memories are difficult to recall at the best of times, let alone when grieving. Our loved ones are too often remembered as a formulaic, one-paragraph summaries, instead of the meaningful tributes they deserve.

We want to change the way people deal with loss, help them through the duties that come with bereavement, and promote the celebration of lives that have run their course. That's why we created After Memorials, a community social media platform that allows friends and families to come together to commemorate a loved one's life, preserve their legacy, and help each other heal.

— The After team

Collage of old pictures, notes and signatures