Shirley Rose Bertagnolli

Nov 13, 1946 - Feb 23, 2022

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Shirley Rose Bertagnolli

Nov 13, 1946 - Feb 23, 2022

Place of birth

Birmingham, AL

Most recently lived in

Grants Pass, OR

Shirley loved nothing more than

Being with her family and grandbabies

If you could tell Shirley anything today, what would you say?

I miss you Momma, we were blessed to have you as our Mom.

Favorite bands and musical artists

She was a singer in Charlie Wests Band, he was one her Very best friends.

Interesting facts about Shirley

Mom was Air Force/Army and recieved Rank of Staff SGT. She worked in survival packing parachutes, maint. On life rafts , anything that military considered survival . Also Shirley had an upholstery shop for year. Shirley could fix vehicle interior, boats, furniture . She was talented and also loved to renovate older furniture or contents with in her homes.

Shirley's superpower

Best Mom and grandma as well as great grandma.

Shirley loved nothing more than

Her Molly , and her family

Favorite place in the world

Singing with her friends anywhere.

Favorite TV shows

Day and nighttime Dramas .

Shirley loved nothing more than

Her children, mom had 6 children , was always there for us. Even preceeding in death were oldest son Willis R. Sarver and Youngest daughter Tina A. Wheeling along with Cambee D. Wheeling granddaughter and Ryan T. Sarver grandson. As well as her family, she would do anything to keep them safe and her love was infectious. And Remember what your Elders say : you say yes ma'am and Yes sir.

Name of Shirley's parents

Charles & Virginia Branham

Name of Shirley's siblings

Charles A Branham, Helen M. Branham Binstein, James W. Branham

Name of Shirley's children

Willis, Malinda, Anita, Sherry, Terry, Tina

Interesting facts about Shirley

Also preceeding in death her parents Charles & Virginia Branham, two brothers, Charles & James Branham, a nephew James Branham and Brother n law Robert Allen Binstein.


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Photo of Shirley

Born on November 13, 1946

Birmingham, AL

Passed away on February 23, 2022

Grants Pass, OR

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Shirley Rose Bertagnolli's memorial is managed by Anita R McCue and Stacie Davis

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