Patricia Stella Thacker

Oct 10, 1948 - Jan 28, 2024

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Patricia Stella Thacker

Oct 10, 1948 - Jan 28, 2024

Place of birth

Essex, UK

Most recently lived in

Sonora, CA

Patricia's favorite hobbies

Painting and drawing

Patricia's favorite foods

Candy especially chocolate

Favorite bands and musical artists

Blue man group and Yanny

Interesting facts about Patricia

Loved spending time with her grandkids

Patricia loved nothing more than

Her family.

Favorite place in the world

Favorite TV shows

The news

Favorite sports

Remembered for

Although dementia stole her from all of us she should always remembered for the love she had for her family and would do anything for them!!


Patricia Stella Thacker, lovingly known as Patsy, passed away on January 28, 2024, at the age of 75. She was born on October 10, 1948, in Essex, UK, and most recently resided in Sonora, CA.

Patsy had a passion for painting and drawing, which she enjoyed as her favorite hobbies. She also had a sweet tooth and loved indulging in candy, especially chocolate. Blue Man Group and Yanny were her favorite bands and musical artists, and she found joy in watching the news on TV.

Above all, Patsy cherished her family. Spending time with her grandkids brought her immense happiness. Despite the challenges of dementia, which eventually took her from us, Patsy will always be remembered for her unwavering love for her family and her willingness to do anything for them.

Patsy worked as a homemaker and waitress, dedicating herself to her loved ones. She is survived by her three children, Wes Stephens (Charlotte) of Oklahoma, Danny Thacker of Texas, and Shannon Thacker (Jeremy Hurtado) of Sonora, CA. She also leaves behind two grandchildren, Joshua Thacker (Danielle) of Hawaii and Jasmyn Hurtado of Sonora, CA, as well as two great-grandchildren, all of Hawaii.

Patsy is also survived by her siblings, Teresa Wheatley, Janice Dennis, and Mike Wheatley, along with several nieces and a nephew. Her contagious laugh and fun-loving nature made a lasting impact on the lives of those around her.

In honoring Patricia Stella Thacker's memory, let us remember the joy she brought to her family and the love she bestowed upon them. She will be deeply missed by all who knew her. May she rest in eternal peace.

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Photo of Patricia

Born on October 10, 1948

Essex, UK

Passed away on January 28, 2024

Sonora, CA

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Patricia Stella Thacker's memorial is managed by stjuice

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