Jay Nealson

Aug 29, 1957

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Jay Nealson

Aug 29, 1957

Place of birth

Sacramento, CA

Most recently lived in

Sacramento, CA

Jay's favorite hobbies


Jay's favorite foods

Favorite bands and musical artists

Interesting facts about Jay

Jay loved nothing more than

Following and worshipping His lord and Savior Jesus Christ and beloved children.

Favorite place in the world

Favorite TV shows

Favorite sports


Jay Nealson, born on August 29, 1957, in Sacramento, CA, passed away peacefully in his hometown. He was a resident of Sacramento, CA, where he lived his entire life.

Jay was well-known for his vibrant personality and zest for life. He had a deep passion for music and was a talented drummer. In his free time, he enjoyed playing dominos, spades, and watching movies. These hobbies brought him great joy and allowed him to connect with friends and loved ones.

Above all, Jay's greatest love was following and worshipping his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. His faith was an integral part of his life and provided him with strength and guidance. He also cherished his beloved children, finding immense joy and fulfillment in their presence.

Jay will always be remembered for his kind heart, infectious laughter, and unwavering faith. He leaves behind a legacy of love, compassion, and devotion that will continue to inspire those who were fortunate enough to have known him.

He will be deeply missed by his family, friends, and all those whose lives he touched.

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Jay's Photos

Jay's timeline of pictures, videos, audio and stories.

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Born on August 29, 1957

Sacramento, CA

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Jay Nealson's memorial is managed by Santora Shelton

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