Don Aubrey Maccubbin

Aug 05, 1932 - May 03, 2024

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Don Aubrey Maccubbin

Aug 05, 1932 - May 03, 2024

Place of birth

Baltimore, MD

Most recently lived in

Huntsville, AL

Don's favorite hobbies

Scuba diving, Chess, Woodworking

Don's favorite foods

Favorite bands and musical artists

Interesting facts about Don

Retired from neurosurgery and became a SCUBA diving instructor. He owned a small farm that he loved working on. Attended Johns Hopkins University for both undergrad and medical school.

Don loved nothing more than

Being in the sun. Photographing fish while SCUBA diving. Riding with the top down in his latest convertible. Spending time with his family. And driving his tractor.

Favorite place in the world

The South Pacific, The Caribbean, and Central America

Favorite TV shows

Favorite sports

Favorite movies

He was funny, witty, and he snorted when he laughed too much.

Don's profession(s)

It was very frustrating to play Trivial Pursuit with him because he always won.


Don Aubrey Maccubbin, known to his loved ones as Donny, Dr. Don, or Dr. Macc, passed away on May 3, 2024, at the age of 91. He was born on August 5, 1932, in Baltimore, MD, and had been residing in Huntsville, AL.

Don was a man of many passions. In his free time, he enjoyed scuba diving, playing chess, and indulging in woodworking projects. After retiring from his successful career as a neurosurgeon, Don pursued his love for scuba diving by becoming a certified instructor. Additionally, he owned a small farm where he found solace and joy in working the land.

One could often find Don basking in the warm embrace of the sun, as he loved nothing more than being outdoors. The South Pacific, the Caribbean, and Central America were his favorite destinations, where he would immerse himself in the beauty of nature.

Don was known for his humor, wit, and infectious laughter, which sometimes led to a snort. He excelled at Trivial Pursuit, frustrating anyone who dared challenge him. A man of integrity, he always lent a helping hand to those in need, often doing so anonymously. Don's selflessness extended to his medical career, where he dedicated himself to helping the sick, regardless of their ability to pay.

Don leaves behind his beloved wife, Linda Maccubbin, whose loyalty and love were unwavering. Together, they raised two children, Eliza Carson and James Maccubbin Sr. His grandchildren, James Maccubbin Jr., Chelsea Carson, and Andrew Carson, brought him immeasurable joy and pride.

Don's impact on the lives of others cannot be overstated. As a neurosurgeon, he saved countless lives, yet remained incredibly humble about his accomplishments. His deep love for his wife, his jokes, and his unwavering integrity will forever be cherished by those who knew him.

In honoring his memory, Don's family invites friends and loved ones to join them in celebrating his life on [date] at [location]. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to [charity], a cause that was close to Don's heart.

May his soul rest in eternal peace.

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Born on August 05, 1932

Baltimore, MD

Passed away on May 03, 2024

Huntsville, AL

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Don Aubrey Maccubbin's memorial is managed by cre8iveca

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